Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Short Notes....

From time to time I will post "Short Notes," these are follow-ups to previous post or quick questions.

  • Several of you have mentioned that you don't use soap in cleaning your Black Iron Fry Pan. You are right.... I was wrong! Water only.
  • Banana Sandwich.... Mayonnaise? Peanut Butter? or You have never had one?
  • Thank you so much for all the positive comments I have been receiving on the Blog, I am thoroughly enjoying writing it and sharing these stories with you.


  1. test (someone told me they couldn't get a comment to post)

  2. I remember mom making PB & Banana sandwiches, but the mayonnaise idea kind of grosses me out.

  3. Banana sandwiches...mayo AND peanut butter.

  4. I agree with jp. But how is this one for you, my parents ate peanut butter and thinly sliced sweet onion. :/
