Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Phone Call the Changed My Life.... Chapter 4

As I drove to the United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches that morning, I kept thinking about what daddy had said on the phone the night before.  "Go to Church tomorrow." 

At 30 something years old, I was still accustomed to listening to my daddy.  I didn't always do what he said, but I learned at an early age that he was pretty smart, so on most things I listened.  This was one of those days when I listened.

I drove up to UMCPB and made my way into the "Gathering Place," the hall where Church was held.  I hobbled in on my crutches and found my way to a seat.  The seat I chose was on the right side of the building and there were a number of seniors who came and sat around me.  A couple made chit-chat with me and I learned that the gentleman I was speaking to was a retired doctor, so he was very interested in my injury, my surgery and my on-going recovery.

As the service time got near a lady came and sat down beside me, I will never forget.  She was dressed in a kelly green skirt and jacket.  Those sitting around me all greeted her and she did the same in return.  She introduced herself to me as Nancy and welcomed me to the Church.

As services began, Nancy and I shared a hymnal.  I think she felt sorry for me, trying to balance myself on crutches was enough of a feat, much less trying to balance a hymnal, myself and the crutches.  I felt really comfortable in this Church immediately.  The people were friendly, welcoming and you could feel the genuine love amongst the members. 

I decided before I left that morning that I would be back.  I liked the music, the preaching and the overall feel of the place.  Leaving Church that morning I felt better than I had since before my accident.

The following day I hit a really low point emotionally.  I don't know what it was but the loneliness of a new town, the injury, everything just kind of hit.  Immediately I knew what to do.  I called the United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches and asked if I could come over and speak to the Pastor.

Within the hour I was sitting in the office of David McEntire.  He asked all the obvious questions, what was wrong with my leg, how long I had been on the crutches etc.  Then he told me that his wife told him I had a nice voice and that I should be in the choir.  His wife?????

What I didn't know at the time.... Nancy, the lady in the green, the lady who held my hymnal.  Nancy was the Pastor's wife.  That meeting led to a friendship that I will always cherish.  David and Nancy McEntire became a pastoral couple who taught me about grace.  They taught me what true Christianity is all about and they became family.

Over the years many people at the UMCPB have become like family to me.  I have made friendships that will last throughout my life.  I have been nurtured, loved, challenged, held accountable and taught by these people.

Now, 12 years later, this Church fills a chunk of my heart that guides me on a daily basis. 

David and Nancy are gone, they were transferred a few years back, but we have been blessed by other Pastors who have served our Church well.  John, Ken, Bo and Jen, all Associate Pastors who blessed UMCPB during their tenure and into today.

Pastor Jen and Bo remain with us today.  I don't see Bo that often as he leads our Korean congregation, but Jen is a major force in my life.  The day I got laid off, she was one of my first calls, I just needed to hear her voice.  When mama was sick and her time was short, Jen called me more than once just to let me talk.  She is now someone I look to for guidance and advice, but most of all she is someone I try to emulate, she lives her life humbly, with grace, compassion and love.... she lives her life the way God intended us all to live our lives.

David was replaced by Pastor Vic as our Senior Pastor.  He was with us for 3 years.  He had a difficult tenure, but he led us with grace and did his best, no one can ask for more than that. 

I lost my job during Pastor Vic's tenure, you know they say "God puts people in your life for specific reasons."  Debbi, his wife came to me after the lay-off, she hugged me and told me everything would be ok and for me not to leave Florida.  God still had a future for me here, I listened to her.

Now this past summer Pastor Kent and Carla have come to lead our Church, I already like them.  They are fun, energetic and Kent has a presence in the pulpit that I really like.  I know they will lead us well.

The United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches has become more than a Church for me, they are extended family.  People I know who love me for our commonality and our differences.  A congregation who loves, laughs, cries and grows together.  A congregation that has nurtured me through good and bad.

And now you know why that simple phone call, with a simple statement "go to Church tomorrow" changed my life. 

That simple call that had so much power, four words "go to Church tomorrow" the phone call that changed my life.

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