Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dream Big Dreams

Zack is my nephew. In addition to that he is one of my favorite people on the planet.

Zack is 16 and when he was born he was the first grandson after the first granddaughter in our family. Being the youngest is hard enough, imagine being the youngest to the first girl ever, double tough!

Of all my family members, I guess Zack and I are more alike than any of the others. I imagine if I had been blessed with a child he would be a lot like Zack.

He is, and always has been, the sensitive one. Wearing his heart on his sleeve, lover of the arts, a fashionista with big dreams for his life. Daddy even made the comment the other night to me that Zack reminds him a lot of me when I was his age. He reminds me a lot of myself as well.

He has a bond with mama (or as he calls her dada) that is beautiful to see. He dotes on mama and she dotes back. He worships the ground she walks on and that admiration is returned to him ten-fold. Mama loves all of her children and grandchildren, but Zack holds a special place in her heart. I love it that he takes care of her and makes sure that she is ok and stops by to see her almost everyday, they are both creating memories and a bond that they will have forever.

I kid Zack all the time by telling him that I will always be my mama's baby, but he is quick to let me know that since he came along HE is her baby. I guess we will both have that honor from now to eternity.

Zack and I have a close bond, he calls to check on me. We text each other. We are buds. We also argue like cats and dogs sometimes, but we always make up.

Like me, Zack loves the beach. He loves the hot weather and the feeling of the sand between his toes. A couple of years ago, Zack asked if he could come visit me during his Spring Break, he did and we had a great time.

This year, Zack asked if he could come down for a few days before he started back to school. Last week was that visit. We had a great time together. Miami, South Beach, Palm Beach, mansion cruising, shopping and general good times.

For me, the highlight of the trip was our morning Para sailing adventure.

Both of us have an aversion to heights and the thought of being 750 feet in the air being pulled by a boat while attached to a parachute was a bit scary. We laughed through our nervousness leading up to the flight. But once we were in the air, it was one of the most peaceful adventures I have ever been on. I can't think of anyone I would have rather shared it with than Zack.

Zack is the dreamer of our family. He has big dreams and plans for his life! While in South Beach he decided that this would one day be his home (or one of his many homes.) Zack plans on being rich and knowing Zack he will do just that.

Deep down he knows that the financial rich isn't what will make him happy, but as he puts it, being wealthy won't hurt.

Zack informed me that when he moves to South Beach he will take care of me. We will travel on his private jet to all the most glamorous places on earth and I can come and stay in his penthouse condo on the beach.

I encourage Zack to keep dreaming, dream big and dream often. Don't ever let anyone or anything stand in the way of those dreams. Age will shatter some of those dreams, but the most important thing is to keep dreaming, don't ever give up.

I look forward to shuttling around the world with Zack on his private jet, taking in the sites and being a part of his dream! But more than that, I look forward to watching him grow, mature and see that his greatest wealth is in the person he is and the person he will become.

Thanks for dreaming big Zack!

I love you,
Uncle Ken


  1. That footsie pic is just about the cutest thing ever.

  2. Glad you had a great time!

    And it's a concern of mine that unlike my siblings I won't have anyone looking after me in my geriatric years... so great to hear that this won't be a problem for you.
