Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Welcome to Notes from a Southern Kitchen!

This blog is intended to pay homage to three of my great joys, food, the south and writing. Growing up and living in the south my entire life has shaped the person that I am and food has played a major part in that development.

I grew up in a small town with a very tight-knit family, we ate dinner together every night sitting around the table and discussing our day, that time together was invaluable. Over 30 years later, many of my fondest memories revolve around that dinner table and the kitchen where meals were prepared. My parents still live in my childhood home and although they can't do as much as they used to, they still sit down together each night for a meal.

Today my own southern kitchen is a major character in the story of my life. My kitchen is where guests gather, where holiday feasts are prepared and where laughter is often found. My southern kitchen is much like that of my family members before me and the meals are often the same, the southern kitchen has numerous stories to tell and new memories to make.

As I continue through this blog, I hope it will be a space where I can share stories from my life in and around the Southern Kitchen. I will feature recipes, stories and profiles of great southern kitchens. Hopefully you will utilize this space to share your stories and comments as well, the kitchen, whether southern or not, is the pulse of a home and the lives that are lived there, I hope together we can make this a place to enjoy the memories.

Pour yourself a glass of sweet tea and sit for awhile, welcome to Notes from a Southern Kitchen.

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